6 Essential Tips for Beginner Jet Skiers - Hiseadock
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6 Essential Tips for Beginner Jet Skiers

October 05, 2020
Two people riding jet ski
Source: Pexels

If you are thinking of taking up jet skiing as a hobby, you should make sure that you master every aspect of it. As exhilarating as jet skiing is, it is still quite a dangerous pastime if you don’t know what you’re doing. Remember that a jet ski weighs nearly a ton, and you will be maneuvering it over open waters. It is a powerful machine and it can cause harm to both you and the people around you. So, aside from getting a jet ski floating dock, you should know how to use a jet ski properly. Here are 7 Essential tips for beginner jet skiers.

Table of Contents

A jet ski without a rider at the beach
Source: Pexels

Familiarize Yourself With the Controls

Before you turn on the jet ski, you should make sure that you are familiar with the jet ski controls. Much like riding a car, you should be as proficient with the controls as possible. Using a jet ski takes split-second timing and if you are too busy fumbling with the controls you may get into an accident. 

Although jet skis have different controls depending on their manufacturers, there are still general controls that you should take into account. Identify the off and on buttons. You should also learn how to use the brakes and how to change directions with as much efficiency as possible. Take the time to pore over the user’s manual and don’t be ashamed to ask for advice from more experienced jet skiers. 

Get to Know the No-Wake Zones

There are many similarities between driving a car and riding a jet ski. Like a car, the jet ski runs on a motor and has certain protocols for driving. So it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with any jet ski traffic rules

The most important rule when it comes to using a jet ski is to be aware of the no-wake zones. The wakes are the waves created when a vessel travels through the water, and the no-wake zones are the areas where you will need to slow down your vessel. 

Think of these areas as go-slow signs and take them as seriously as possible. The coast guards take these rules very seriously and you may end up getting a very big fine for breaking them.

Jet skiers sailing away
Source: Pexels
Jet-ski rider falling off a jet ski
Source: Unsplash

Learn How to Get Back on the Jet Ski After Falling

When it comes to riding a jet ski, it is imperative that you know how to fall off a jet ski properly. It is impossible not to fall off your jet ski every once in a while and if you don’t know how to do it properly you can really hurt yourself. Practice falling off a jet ski in a way that you get the least impact from the water and don’t get trapped under your watercraft.

You should also learn how to get on the jet ski from the water after falling in. This may seem easy, however, getting on the jet ski takes some upper body strength. Overall, it is important that you practice falling off and getting on your jet ski before you take it out for a ride.

Proper Jet Ski Maintenance Is Key

A jet ski is a high-performance machine. It can go at very high speeds and if it has any issues performance-wise, it could cost you your life. So make it a habit to check your jet ski, before and after you use it. Check its engine, wiring, and brakes.

You should also check the propellers for any debris that may have gotten lodged into it. Taking the time to double-check your jet ski may feel tedious, but if you want to be as safe as possible you should take the time to do so. 

A picture of a Yamaha Waverunner at sea
Source: Unsplash
A pickup towing a jet ski
Source: Unsplash

Learn How to Dock Your Jet Ski Properly

Learning how to properly dock your jet ski on your jet ski float can be a bit tricky at first. However, with enough practice, you can learn the rudimentary technique and be able to do it with minimum fuss. 

When it comes to docking, the key thing you should remember is to take it slow. If you go fast, you may damage the jet ski dock. By going slow you will be able to dock your watercraft at the right angle without any damage.

Outfit Yourself With the Right Equipment

Like any other extreme pastime, you will need to outfit yourself with the right equipment for jet skiing. Invest in good quality jet skiing equipment to stay safe while driving your jet ski. Here are some key pieces of equipment you should have.

Jet skier riding waves
Source: Unsplash


The helmet is meant to protect your head from potential collisions with rocks and debris. It is advisable that you use a brightly colored helmet so that you’ll be easier to spot.

Wet Suit

The wetsuit is meant to insulate you from the cold water, and its relative lightness will allow you to get on the jet ski with ease.


There will be times where the waves will make it difficult for you to swim. With a life jacket, you’ll be able to stay afloat no matter how strong the waves are.

Dry Bag

Things like your wallet or phone or keys need to be kept dry. With a dry bag, you’ll be able to bring your stuff with you without fear of getting them wet.


Jet skiing is a very exciting pastime. You get to ride the waves on a high-speed sea vehicle and look cool doing it. However, jet skiing also takes a lot of responsibility. You don’t just have to practice caution while driving a jet ski but also have to make sure it is docked and stored properly when not in use. Hiseadock plastic floating docks are the perfect solution for this. To learn more about our fully customizable waterfront solutions, contact us today.

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